
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

15 weeks.

I am getting more creative with my words. Mom thinks I sound more like I am talking? Well, I am talking! I still go my big gasp, but now I add coos, and even gurgles. I put them all together to make sentences and sometimes I go on and one. My uncle Kevin talks a lot and I think he is pretty cool, so I thought I would try too. I make a "guh" sound and an "mmm" sound. Momma thinks I could be talking about her, but I know that is not her name. Sometimes I yawn and do a little scream at the end of it, that always make Mom laugh.

Mom is playing this new game that I find funny. She will say "Shake-a-shake-a-shake" while she shakes my arm. I like to laugh when my arm makes my whole body move. Mom must love my laugh because she does that all the time now, even thought I don't always laugh. When I do laugh it's just a single, deep grunt. I might do it a few times, but I think that I sound older then a baby with that belly laugh.

I have been spending a few days a week with Emily, Anna, & Ellie. They are introducing me to a lot of things that I did not know about. I watch a show called Calliou with Ellie; she really likes that one. I like to stare at all the colors and I think the kid and I have the same bald head. Anna and Ellie both like to hold me and play with me. I love all the action. I even went to a Barbie wedding! I also like to look at the lights there, especially the Christmas lights and the tree that goes on and off. I feel really loved when I am there and I know that Mom and Dad are so happy that I am safe and cared for. (Oh, and don't tell Dad that I kinda played with Barbies).

Love & Laughs,

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