
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Project of the Month: Pantry

I have decided that I can do a home project a month. There are so many that I want to do and need to do, but... well, life gets in the way. I actually enjoy being crafty, artistic and seeing my life become more organized and simplified. If there is anything I get high on, it's getting rid of stuff and seeing a perfect finished product.

This week I had a few days off of work. I some how packed those days pretty full of things that I needed to do. But, I told myself "you HAVE to do something off your project list". See I need to have some fun!! (I also made myself have a SPA DAY for no reason. That. Was. Glorious).

So the project of the month of August was to reorganize the pantry. I have very small kitchen and a very hungry husband, so when we moved in I started a little storage just down the basement stairs. I have had the plan to buy some large shelves so that I can add even more food as it goes on sale. I figure this is a smart wife thing to do...

coupon clipping +58 wife points
food on-hand +76 wife points

See, by the math it is a good decision. And, since Target had a nice little sale for me, I was able to have my project completed this week! So what do you think?




  1. Good job Greta. I have found bins work too, especially for pastas, couscous, grains, and other items that are sold bagged instead of in boxes. Just toss them into the appropriate bin. Be careful of First in, First out. You don't want a bunch of old stuff on the bottom.

  2. Great job Greta! Cleaning out my pantry was one of my summer projects too!
