
Monday, January 30, 2012

21 weeks.

Each day I am doing new things. I have been finding my toes for a few weeks, but now I like to hold onto them and roll. I roll to both sides now, and back and forth in seconds. It is only a matter of time until I am over to my belly. I'm not really in a hurry though, because I don't love being on my tummy. Momma puts me in tummy time a few times a day, and I cry because I am not as happy there. Dad says it will be better once I use my hands more. I also make these new gurgling sounds while I blow bubbles. I think it is pretty funny. Sometimes mom will do that to and I watch her, then I do it again.

I still take my baths in the kitchen sink. Mom always gets everything out beforehand. She lays out a towel, gets out a few wash clothes and body wash. I used to cry as soon as I heard the water turn on, but lately mom has been talking to me through the whole bath. I don't really need to cry anymore. I try to help sometimes by holding onto the wash cloth. Baths don't take that long. Mom gets me out and wraps me up in my duck towel. That is definitely my favorite part; I am so warm! Mom says that when I can sit up better I will move to the bathtub.

I love to play with my toys. I am getting faster at grabbing what I want and bringing it to my mouth. Yes, everything goes to my mouth. My blue bunny is so fun, I like to chew on him and shake him.  I also like my buggy. He is fun to hold and has a bright happy face. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

20 weeks.

I am really learning how my muscles work. I have figured out how to scoot around by putting weight on my heels and lifting my bottom. Mom has been keeping her eye on me. No more leaving me alone unbuckled, as I can scoot almost completely out of my blue chair. I also grab everything in front of me. This week I grabbed mom's hair for the first time on purpose. She didn't like that so much. Grandma Schraer was surprised when I was interested in her jewelry.  Blankets, my pjs, toys or anything that lays on my tummy is on it's way to my mouth. I use my mouth to learn about things around me, and leave my (wet) mark all I can. Dad really wants me to put weight on my that I can crawl soon. This week when I was in tummy time he kept saying "come on, come on." I haven't quite figured it out yet, but don't worry Dad, I'll be moving before you know it. 

Mom thinks that she is starting to see more of my temperament. She would tell you that I am a very good baby, but also vocal. She has never worried about my basic needs being me (sleeping, eating, etc.), because I am quick to tell her something isn;t right. I am "talking" more and communicating when I have an opinion on something. I also am starting to help out more when I get impatient. While Daddy was at the dentist, I showed mom that I can hold my bottle and eat. When she took it out of my mouth and held it in front of my face, I reached out with both hands, grabbed the bottle and brought it right back to my mouth. Mom tried it again and I showed her I knew exactly what I was doing. She couldn't believe it. She knows now that I have a strong mind to go along with my strong body. When she told Daddy about it, he understood.. "He's saying gimme my food!" 
Daddy and I have a new game. It started when I was standing on Daddy's tummy and he moved my hips back and forth. I thought that was fun, so I did it again. He laughed and said, "You gonna boogie?". So now whenever he says "boogie" or "boogie woogie" I show him that I do like to dance with him. Dad is so fun. Mom was doubtful that I knew what I was doing, but I showed her that it works when she says it too. I even showed off a little to Emily, Grandpa and Grandma.  Mommy is so glad that I like to boogie like she does. 

I like the mornings. Each day Mom comes into wake me up at 7:00 a.m. I am always still sleeping. She turns on the light and I start to move my head back and forth. I squint my eyes, because I'm just not ready for the light. Mom says "Good Morning" and I start to smile when I hear her voice; sometimes my eyes are still closed. Finally, I start to open my eyes and I see her and I am so happy! I know that Mom doesn't really like to get up so early, so I am glad that I can make her smile and laugh each morning.

Love & Laughs, 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

19 weeks.

Mom can't believe I am 4 months old already. This time last year she was just finding out about me.

This week I went back to the doctor for my 4 month appointment. This time Daddy got to go with us because he was off work. It was OK except for the shots they stuck in my legs. Dr. B seems like a nice enough guy. He says that I am a VERY healthy boy. I am 16 lbs and 4 oz. and 27.5 inches long...that's 74% for weight and 99% for height.  I heard Mom and Dad talking about a basketball scholarship instead of football, but they said I can do whatever makes me happy.

I am eating well, 7 ounces more or less. I have a bottle when I am with Grandma Schraer, Emily, or Daddy, but when I am with Mommy I prefer the other option. I am probably eating about 35 ounces a day. The doctor says he'd rather me wait for solid food until I am 6 months old. Mom is OK with that since I cannot sit up by myself yet. She started reading a book called "Hungry Monkey" and is thinking about what she will feed me. I like to watch Dad eat during dinner.  I think that I will eat like him... that makes Mom nervous. I sit in my blue chair while Mommy and Daddy eat and talk about their days. Sometimes I make sounds too because I think that they are talking to me. That always works! I just learned how to kick and scoot down in my chair and pretty soon I will be able to get out all by myself.

I still prefer short naps, usually 45 minutes 3 or 4 times a day. I think that I will miss something if I sleep too long. At night when it is dark, I like to be in my bed. Sometimes at night I turn on my side to get comfortable. Mom was really surprised when she saw me do that for the first time. I guess she didn't know how strong I have been getting. I practice a lot on my activity mat, so I thought I would try it in my bed too.  Mom has been leaving me on my mat longer to play. I like to talk to the birds and owl and kick my legs.

Both, Mom and Dad, like to sing to me. This week Mom taught me a song "I'm in the Lord's Army." I get to dance and act out the things that she is saying. It was really fun so I laughed and squealed, so Mom kept going. I would squeal more and more, because I knew what was coming next. I got so worked up that I spit up on Mom. I was bummed when she had to stop singing so she could clean us up. She still sings to me, but not as silly as she did before...

Love & Laughs,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

18 weeks.

I am beginning to realize how fun toys are. I mostly like to grab and look at my toys then bring them to my mouth. I am practicing a lot and getting more precise with my movements. Still, sometimes when I am tired I get frustrated that I cannot make my hands do what I want. I can go from happy to full out crying in a second. Mom says that reminds her of someone she knows? Hmm. I like to play with my link rings. I hold them in both my hands and look at them. Mom even let me play with them in my Bumbo chair for the first time. It was kinda hard because I always let my head fall down to my toys instead of bringing them up to my mouth. I will keep working on it though.

I have started playing this game with Mommy. Sometimes when I am nursing I will stop and look at Mom smile then look away. If I get her to laugh I will do it again. One time I was having so much fun that I stopped eating just to play this game for awhile. Mom was laughing so hard!

Every Monday Mom takes me grocery shopping. She always carries me in an Ergo carrier. I have done this since I was only 1 month old. I am warm and cozy in there. I like to look at the lights and all around at the store. This week is was really cold and extremely windy, so mom decided to carry me inside before putting me in the carrier. It was a good thing she did because I forgot to tell her I had just pooped. I made a big mess in my clothes, my blanket and on Mom's arms. She took me to the bathroom to clean me up, but I did not like that so I screamed. There was a long line outside the bathroom waiting for me to get clean, and I think they were listening to me cry. Oh well, after that Mom put me in the carrier where I like to be, and we shopped like usual. Mom hurried though, because she didn't smell very good anymore.

I really like my Daddy. I always have but this week I think that Mom noticed. Dad let me sleep on him on Sunday. I was so warm and cozy. I must have looked cute too, because Mom would catch Dad staring at me while I slept. I got to have Dad to myself this week when Mom when back to teach dancing. Dad fed me and put me to bed. I feel safe with him and I didn't cry at all.

Love & Laughs,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

17 weeks.

You will be so proud of me. I took my first bath without crying! I think that I forgot to cry because Mom just kept talking and talking and talking. I was so distracted that I didn't notice I was wet! I still take my baths in the kitchen sink in my bath seat. I guess it's not that bad after all. Mom was a little relieved because she really wants to swim with me when I get bigger.

This was my first week that I played my toys. I have looked at them a lot, but now I hold onto them and try to figure out what they do. My favorite right now is my blue bunny that Karin gave me. It is soft and small so it is easy to move around and squeeze. I am not sure if it's really supposed to go in my mouth, but I go ahead and do that. Sometimes Mom just lays it on my tummy and I think about it and then hug it and bring it up to my mouth.

It snowed this week. Daddy really wanted me to be excited about it. I saw it out the window, but wasn't too interested. Dad made a fire and we stayed in all day. I have been really thinking my Dad is fun. Dad likes that I can do more things now, he likes to hold that bunny over my face and make me wait until I get excited... then he finally gives it to me. I am not patient yet. He also let me play with the newspaper. It made such an cool sound.

I like to stand up sometimes. Dad or Mom will hold me because I am not that stable. It is hard work! I curl my toes into whatever I am standing on and I make my body really stiff. I put my arms out to the side and even cock my head to the side. When I am done, I just relax and sit. Mom calls it "melting" and thinks it is cute.

I was glad that Mom got to stay home all week with me, since she didn't have to work. We had a busy holiday, so it was nice to get some extra cuddles with her. By the way, have I mentioned that she kisses me... a lot? Especially on the cheeks. I guess I am something special.

Love & Laughs,