
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

19 weeks.

Mom can't believe I am 4 months old already. This time last year she was just finding out about me.

This week I went back to the doctor for my 4 month appointment. This time Daddy got to go with us because he was off work. It was OK except for the shots they stuck in my legs. Dr. B seems like a nice enough guy. He says that I am a VERY healthy boy. I am 16 lbs and 4 oz. and 27.5 inches long...that's 74% for weight and 99% for height.  I heard Mom and Dad talking about a basketball scholarship instead of football, but they said I can do whatever makes me happy.

I am eating well, 7 ounces more or less. I have a bottle when I am with Grandma Schraer, Emily, or Daddy, but when I am with Mommy I prefer the other option. I am probably eating about 35 ounces a day. The doctor says he'd rather me wait for solid food until I am 6 months old. Mom is OK with that since I cannot sit up by myself yet. She started reading a book called "Hungry Monkey" and is thinking about what she will feed me. I like to watch Dad eat during dinner.  I think that I will eat like him... that makes Mom nervous. I sit in my blue chair while Mommy and Daddy eat and talk about their days. Sometimes I make sounds too because I think that they are talking to me. That always works! I just learned how to kick and scoot down in my chair and pretty soon I will be able to get out all by myself.

I still prefer short naps, usually 45 minutes 3 or 4 times a day. I think that I will miss something if I sleep too long. At night when it is dark, I like to be in my bed. Sometimes at night I turn on my side to get comfortable. Mom was really surprised when she saw me do that for the first time. I guess she didn't know how strong I have been getting. I practice a lot on my activity mat, so I thought I would try it in my bed too.  Mom has been leaving me on my mat longer to play. I like to talk to the birds and owl and kick my legs.

Both, Mom and Dad, like to sing to me. This week Mom taught me a song "I'm in the Lord's Army." I get to dance and act out the things that she is saying. It was really fun so I laughed and squealed, so Mom kept going. I would squeal more and more, because I knew what was coming next. I got so worked up that I spit up on Mom. I was bummed when she had to stop singing so she could clean us up. She still sings to me, but not as silly as she did before...

Love & Laughs,

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